Type Isomorphism

- December 25, 2016
Kwang's Haskell Blog - Type Isomorphism

Type Isomorphism

Posted on December 25, 2016 by Kwang Yul Seo

Type isomorphisms are a general notion of conversion between types. We say that type A and B are isomorphic, if we have conversion functions f :: A -> B and g :: B -> A such that

f . g = idB
g . f = idA

Type isomorphisms imply that we can safely convert without loss of information between types.


There always exist multiple types that can represent the same values we want to represent. The problem is that they are not compatible because the type system does not automatically recognize them as equal. So we might not be able to reuse the existing libraries as the types we use in our program are not compatible with the types these libraries use. Type isomorphisms provide wrapping/unwrapping functions that can safely convert between these types.

Type isomorphisms also help us understand various transformations used in equational reasoning and API design.


Haskell programmers already use the type isomorphism to reason about programs. For example, we know that pair (a,b) is isomorphic to (b,a) because swap is the conversion function in both directions.

swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
swap (a, b) = (b, a)

Another example of type isomorphism is a and () -> a. We can define conversion functions as follows:

f :: a -> () -> a
f = \x _ -> x

g :: (() -> a) -> a
g k = k ()

What about a -> ()? This type is unsurprisingly isomorphic to () because a -> () type has only one inhabitant which discards the argument and returns (). Conversion functions are:

f :: (a -> ()) -> ()
f _ = ()

g :: () -> a -> ()
g = \_ _ -> ()

Currying and uncurrying

In functional programming, currying transforms a function that takes multiple arguments via a pair, into a function that accepts the first argument of the pair, and returns a function that accepts the second argument, before returning the result. uncurrying performs transformation in the opposite direction.

Here are the types of curry and uncurry functions.

curry :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c

From the signature of these functions, we can see that (a, b) -> c and a -> b -> c are isomorphic by curry and uncurry functions.


a can be converted to (a -> r) -> r by CPS transformation. A CPS term can be converted back to the direct style by applying id function.

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

f :: a -> (a -> r) -> r
f a b = b a

g :: (forall r. (a -> r) -> r) -> a
g a = a id

RankNTypes extension is necessary to represent the type of g.

Algebraic data types

Every algebraic data type can be represented with combinations of product and sum types. This is why these types are called algebraic data types.

In Haskell, products are encoded by (a, b) and sums are encoded by Either a b. Thus an algebraic data type of Haskell is isomorphic to some combinations of (a, b) and Either a b. Let’s see a few examples.

Bool is isomorphic to Either () () because we can define conversion functions f and g:

f :: Bool -> Either () ()
f True = Left ()
f False = Right ()

g :: Either () () -> Bool
g (Left ()) = True
g (Right ()) = False

Maybe a is isomorphic to Either a () or Either () a.

f :: Maybe a -> Either () a
f (Just x) = Right x
f Nothing = Left ()

g :: Either () a -> Maybe a
g (Left ()) = Nothing
g (Right x) = Just x

Playing with type isomorphism

unfold is the categorical dual of fold. It means we can get the type of unfold by reversing arrows of fold.

Here are the type signatures of foldr and unfoldr taken from the base library.

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
unfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> (b -> [a])

It is not obvious how foldr and unfoldr are related. But we can apply the types isomorphism we’ve learned to derive the type of unfoldr from foldr.

(a → b → b) → b → ([a] → b)
=== ((a, b) → b) → b → ([a] → b)
=== ((a, b) → b) → (() -> b) → ([a] → b)
=== (((a, b) → b), (() -> b)) → ([a] → b)
=== ((Either (a, b) ()) → b) → ([a] → b)
=== (Maybe (a, b) -> b) → ([a] → b)

We used the following type isomorphisms:

  • a -> b -> c ~= (a, b) -> c
  • a ~= () -> a
  • ((a -> c), (b -> c)) ~= Either a b -> c
  • Either a () ~= Maybe a.

Finally, by reversing the arrows of foldr, we get unfoldr.

foldr   :: (Maybe (a, b) -> b           ) -> ([a] -> b  )
unfoldr :: (b            -> Maybe (a, b)) -> (b   -> [a])

Interested readers might want to take a look at my previous post unfold and fold and Conal Elliott’s Folds and unfolds all around us for the details.


{∃X,T} and ∀Y. (∀X. T→Y) → Y are isomorphic types. My previous post Encoding existentials shows how we can encode existential types using only RankNTypes and forall quantifier.

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