Scott encoding of Algebraic Data Types

Posted on December 13, 2016 by Kwang Yul Seo

This article is written in literate Haskell.

It is well known that algebraic data types can be encoded in a functional programming language by higher order functions. The Church encoding is the most famous one, but there is a lesser known encoding, called Scott encoding. The Scott encoding is generally considered as better.

In this article, I will show you some examples of Scott-encoded algebraic data types. Here I will use named functions intead of anonymous functions because the named function makes the notation of recursive algorithms easier.

Before move on, we need to turn on GHC extension RankNTypes. If you want to know how Rank-N types are related to the Scott encoding, see 24 Days of GHC Extensions: Rank N Types.

> {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}


Pair is a simplest example of a container type. Because it is a non-recursive type, the Church and Scott encoding overlap in this case. This is the standard encoding used for pairs in λ-calculus courses.

> newtype PairS a b = PairS { unpairS :: forall r. (a -> b -> r) -> r }

Containers can be expressed by using closures (partial applications). pairS takes 3 arguments. We have a closure by applying only 2 arguments.

> pairS :: a -> b -> PairS a b
> pairS a b = PairS (\p -> p a b)

Now it is time to define selection functions. fstS and sndS are implemented by passing a continuation (the function in which the continuation continues). It is a 2 argument function which returns either the first or the second argument. fstS returns the first argument and sndS returns the second argument.

> fstS :: PairS a b -> a
> fstS (PairS p) = p (\x _ -> x)
> sndS :: PairS a b -> b
> sndS (PairS p) = p (\_ y -> y)

Other functions such as swapS can be implemented in terms of pairS, fstS and sndS.

> swapS :: PairS a b -> PairS b a
> swapS p = pairS (sndS p) (fstS p)

Peano numbers

NumS is the simplest recursive data type which represents Peano numbers.

> newtype NumS = NumS { unnumS :: forall r. (NumS -> r) -> r -> r }

NumS has two constructors. zeroS is the non recursive constructor that represents the value zero. succS is the recursive constructor which yields the successor of such a Peano number.

> zeroS :: NumS
> zeroS = NumS (\s z -> z)
> succS :: NumS -> NumS
> succS n = NumS (\s z -> s n)

unnumS is the deconstructor which takes 2 continuations and a NumS. The continuations determine what we reduce the NumS into depending on which constructor is found.

For convinence, unnumS' is defined to have the NumS argument be the last arugment to the unnumS function.

> unnumS' :: (NumS -> r) -> r -> NumS -> r
> unnumS' s z (NumS f) = f s z

When we find the num is a successor, then we know that the num is not empty, so we reduce it to False. When we find it is the zero, we reduce it to True.

> isZero :: NumS -> Bool
> isZero = unnumS' (\_ -> False) True

addS is slightly more complex, but it can also be defined using the same techinque. You can recognize that it is a pattern mathcing in disguse.

> addS :: NumS -> NumS -> NumS
> addS n m =
>     unnumS' (\s -> succS (addS s m))
>             m n


We can apply the same transformation to ListS type.

> newtype ListS a =
>    ListS {
>      unconsS :: forall r. (a -> ListS a -> r) -> r -> r
>    }
> nilS :: ListS a
> nilS = ListS (\co ni -> ni)
> consS :: a -> ListS a -> ListS a
> consS x xs = ListS (\co ni -> co x xs)
> unconsS' :: (a -> ListS a -> r) -> r -> ListS a -> r
> unconsS' co ni (ListS f) = f co ni
> isNullS :: ListS a -> Bool
> isNullS = unconsS' (\_ _ -> False) True
> mapS :: (a -> b) -> ListS a -> ListS b
> mapS f =
>   unconsS' (\x xs -> consS (f x) (mapS f xs))
>            nilS


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